Electronic Agent Programme

Electronic Agent Programme

Step-by-Step Guide

– 5 EASY steps to a hassle free Christmas!
  • Send your customers to www.ccacharitychristmascards.co.uk
  • Make sure they have your account number to enter into the promotional box (referral code) – this allows us to tie orders back to you (this is done automatically if you decide to spend £50 on a banner – contact sbarnes@ccaoccasions.com for more information)
  • Your customer orders and pays on the site
  • We despatch the order directly to your customer
  • You pick up a commission payment from CCA based on standard agent terms!


– Electronic Agent Route



No Investment

£ 50 Banner url Investment


Promote site/attach banner for customer click through with no automatic idenl REMEMBER to let customers know your account number for promo box entry on the site - this ties orders back to you for pavment of

Attach banner for autotomatic url idenl (no need to remind customers to enter your account number in the promo box)


Customer pays on line. you receive payment back from CCA at Standard Agent Terms!



- Traditional Agent Route

Traditional Agent Route


Fax orders to 08442570405 or post orders to CCA (£5 P&P charge)

Order via the agent website www.ccaoccasions.co.uk(Free P&P and immediate proofing)

Order via Electronic Order form - see CCA website or ask CSD for a copy (£5 P&P charge)


30 day terms invoice at your agreed agent terms